Adversities are hard to avoid in life, as they will occur without asking first. But that doesn’t mean we cannot have a beautiful life. We just need to overcome any challenge and difficulty that comes our way, because it is the only way to move on and have our happy life. It is out of the question to be brought down by adversities, as such a thing will keep us from having the life we dream about. These overcoming adversity quotes and sayings should help you keep all these in mind, each time something tries to ruin your peace, calmness and happiness in your life.
“A new challenge keeps the brain kicking and the heart ticking.” (E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly)

Overcoming Adversity Quotes And Sayings
The best way to tackle an adversity is to believe that it is not such a bad thing. When we are challenged, we feel more alert and alive, because of the rush, adrenaline and rage that makes us fight the situation. So take the best of this and be a winner, no matter what.
“Beautiful souls are shaped by ugly experiences.” (Matshona Dhliwayo)
A beautiful life and character may have ugly stories in the past, but still, beauty and happiness emerge even in this cases. So you should not be scared of adversities. They come and go as ugly storms do, leaving fresh air and a beautiful rainbow behind.
“Don’t let the situation say stop to your true purpose; say stop to the situation. Situations are situations and you are you” (Ernest Agyemang Yeboah)

Inspirational Overcoming Adversity Quotes And Sayings
As these overcoming adversity quotes and sayings are trying to show you, negative situations should not keep you from your goal. You just have to stop those situations and turn the odds in your favor. Each problem has a solution, so don’t forget this when you need to face a challenge.
“The happiest of endings begin with a struggle so embrace yours” (Nomzamo Nhlumayo)
An ending will indeed be much happier if it will come after overcoming a struggle. It is not pleasant when you have to deal with one, but the outcome will be even sweeter after. It will be like sun rising again after several days of storm and cold.
“We have so much more power than we allow ourselves to think. Create the life you want!” (Neal Katz)

motivational Overcoming Adversity Quotes And Sayings Image
We may feel weak in front of a challenge, but this is a false opinion, because we are stronger then we give ourselves credit for. All you need to do is to take the decision to act and deal with whatever is coming your way. You will feel the strength in the following second.
So, as you can see, beautiful lives are not only constructed on peace and calmness. A storm now and then will come, rearranging things and making them even more beautiful than before. But this depends very much on us and on how we manage such situations. The key is not to let yourself defeated, because you can handle anything, if you believe in yourself. Read the overcoming adversity quotes and sayings and keep in mind that such events is not the end of your happiness, as they can be the beginning of an even better life.
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