For many of us, our grandmothers represents a feminine figure that marked our childhood and, why not, our lives. It is impossible to forget the love and affection given by a grandma, who is always ready to give everything and anything for her grandchildren. Also, unforgettable are her stories and teachings, told in a way that even a child can understand them, due to their incredible patience and experience with bringing up children. Because grandmas as such beloved persons, here are some beautiful grandmother quotes to cherish and appreciate everything they done for you. Most probably a part of what you are today is because of them, because they invested love and attention in you.
Inspirational Grandmother Quotes
“Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies.” (Author Unknown)

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Well, that’s for sure, because it doesn’t matter how our grandma feels, if she is tired or not, as she will always be ready to share her hugs and homemade cookies.
“A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween.” (Erma Bombeck)
A grandma will always know how to play your game. She will never act wise and allow yourself to have fun the way you want it. Perhaps this is why we love our grandparents so much, because they are just like children, savoring each moment, only in a slower version. They will always find a way to tell you that you are special and that there is no one like you.
“A child needs a grandparent, anybody’s grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world.” (Charles and Ann Morse)
When we are thinking about grandparents, we think about a calm and gentle person, about warmness and security. There is no place like grandma’s house, which will always look like the place where you can hide without the risk for anybody to find you.
“Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.” (Marcy DeMaree)
Of all the grandma quotes, this one shows the unforgettable love and affection we all receive when walking into grandma’s house. She is indeed looking like she prepared for the moment for at least a whole day, our arrival putting an end to her long wait. It is like we were the ultimate joy and reward she could receive, for everything she did throughout her life. Who else can make you feel so important?
“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the hell she is.” (Ellen DeGeneres)
Another thing our grandmas teach us is that we should never underestimate them, no matter what their age is. They will cook, clean, go out for groceries and still have enough energy to manage a child and play with him. They are the real heroes of our families.
There is a saying about the fact that whomever does not own a grandparent, he or she should get one. Yes, grandparents are indispensable and we should learn to appreciate them. Besides our mothers, grandmas are the next most important person in our lives, for some of us even more important than the parents, since they always offered unconditional love, understood us and did everything for our happiness. It is hard to find another person just like our grandmas, so do have in mind these grandma quotes.
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