Whether we suffer from physical or emotional wounds, the process of healing is highly important. The success of our healing is not always exclusively in the hands of the doctors, because our mood and way of thinking can have a great influence on it. Scientists talk about the Placebo effect, when a person believes that the treatment he or she is receiving is working. It is all about the power of suggestion. So here are some healing quotes you should have around whenever you are ill. Thinking positive may be more important than you may think.
“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…” (Nicholas Sparks)

Inspirational Healing Quotes
Most of us know how it is to suffer because of love, the feeling being exactly the one that will heal us at some point. So everything can be healed in the same manner, because what will not kill us will make us stronger.
“The soul is healed by being with children.” (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
Children can be a great way of healing, together with anything else that makes us happy. You see happiness and anything else that makes us be more positive have an incredible contribution in our healing process, so do have this in mind.
“The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” (Hubert H. Humphrey)
No medicine is more efficient than friendship and love. Do not suffer on your own and surround yourself only with the people you love and love you back. Try to spend as much time as possible in their company and you will start feeling improvements in your condition.
“The wish for healing has always been half of health.” (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
As mentioned before, the power of suggestion can influence our healing in a very large deal. Having the healing in our mind and envisioning it as a goal, will make the entire process much more efficient. It is one of those healing quotes that need to be remembers, as it can help us a lot.
“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.” (Jerry Cantrell)
Again, don’t carry the sufferance and illness along. Telling about it to the people you love and care does not mean you are complaining. But sharing your feelings and experiences help you take a load of your back. It works very well like any type of therapy.
So you see, the majority if the healing process lies in our hands. It is hard to think this was when your body or soul is put to a challenge, but having this aspect in mind and putting an effort in this direction will count a lot. These healing quotes have the purpose of reminding us that the power of healing is not entirely in the doctors or treatment we take, because it is also up to us. Staying positive, still doing the things we enjoy, as much as possible, being around our family and people we love, will help you deal with the challenge much better.
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