Many situations of our life demand for a preparation in advance, if we want to succeed. Things like an exam, an interview, a speech, a competition, and the examples can continue, need for us to be prepared. The better we are trained and prepared, the better we will perform, earning one more victory that we should be proud of. Just read the following preparation quotes and you will understand how important this process is.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin)
It is said that one decision will influence the other, so choosing not to prepare for something will implicit lead to failure. In case you want to succeed, you won’t be able to do it without a prior preparation. Of course, failure can happen, because there are aspects you won’t be able to foresee, but even if that happens, try to learn and improve from it .
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” (Abraham Lincoln)
Training and preparation usually take most of our time, but we need it to be efficient and to our job perfectly. Just like it is hard to chop a tree with an unsharpened axe, so will be to achieve a goal and deliver results in any given task without proper preparation.
“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst” (Chris Bradford, The Ring of Earth)
It is okay to always think and hope that nothing wrong will happen and everything will just go smoothly. But, it is recommended to always be prepared to face the worst as well. Because, if it will happen, you will have what it takes to manage the situation.
“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)
Performing your tasks and your job in the best way possible is just another step accomplished in a thorough preparation. Each time you do something shallow and without enough involvement, you will lose a valuable lesson about how to become better.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” (Colin Powell)
These preparation quotes are very valuable because they remind you just how important this process is for your success. Also, Mr. Powell is perfectly right, because success is not impossible but has no secret recipe either, being what you get when you work hard and remain well prepared.
In case you care about your success then you should be careful when it comes to your preparation, because as you can see, it will weight a lot in your goal achievement. Preparation should be a large part in the strategy of becoming the best, because without the right knowledge and skill set, it will be hard to make your dreams become a reality. Take these preparation quotes as precious pieces of advice and start planning your path in the right manner.
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