Are there times when you have a lot of work to do, but something else, anything else, seems to be far more interesting? You catch yourself fingering your pen, checking your phone or inbox for messages, stare at the clock, put down a shopping list, and do anything else but your work. But a moment comes when you realize that you are running out of time and you still haven’t done anything. Panic installed and you feel stress flooding your veins. Why did you end up in this point? Due to procrastination, your talent of ignoring the important tasks. Here are some procrastination quotes that will help you stay focused.
“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” (Charles Dickens, David Copperfield)

Procrastination Quotes – Quotes to inspire you to stop procrastination and not putting things off
Yes, procrastination is a very efficient way of wasting time. It doesn’t seem like much, but times flies when you are procrastinating. So in the end, you didn’t have fun, do anything constructive or interesting and still have things undone. So your only chance is to be aware of it and put an end to it.
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” (Karen Lamb)
It may seem easy to procrastinate today, as it is the most comfortable option, but later on, you will regret that you didn’t start earlier. Things might have looked a lot better now. So have these procrastination quotes in mind.
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” (Abraham Lincoln)
An unsolved issue will still be there tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on. So it is no point in postponing it, because you will stumble upon it anyway. Be responsible and tackle it, and it will be gone for good.
“It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
You should listen to the master da Vinci, because he knows what he’s talking about. Even if it may seem to start something or start dealing with something, you will manage to resist and get it done. It will be much worse if you are going to be pressure by the lack of time in the end.
“Wisdom is knowing when you are being patient, and when you are wasting time by waiting.” (Jarod Kintz)
The excuse of being patient does not work when you have issues to solve. So do not hide behind it, because nothing good will happen if you keep waiting. Stop wasting your precious time and get on with it, no matter what that thing is. You will feel more relieved in the end.
Procrastination is a real issue, whether you are at work, need to study, need to solve a problem or task, so it affects anyone. It is so easy to get lost in your thoughts and not find the strength to start managing the things you need to do. Still, the only way procrastination will end is by time passing by and you feeling more stressed and unhappy. Remember these procrastination quotes each time you want to postpone anything and start acting.
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