We all have that special someone, who is always there for us, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, supporting us no matter how crazy our ideas are, and being loyal regardless of times. Such a person can be a parent, a sibling, our spouse, best friend, our boyfriend or girlfriend, the person who never left our side, no matter what. For them, we picked some You Are Amazing quotes, so you can show them that they have a special place in your heart. If you did not find that amazing person yet, or there is no special person in your life, don’t fret, because you will find it one day.
“Be yourself, you are amazing just the way you are. Be proud of what you have it will empower you to be the best.” (Anonymous)

You Are Amazing Quotes Images
You are as amazing as you let yourself be. Let me repeat that. You are as amazing as you let yourself be.
-Elizabeth Alraune
It is great to be able to be who you really are, so those amazing persons in your life should never change. This is one of those You Are Amazing quotes that should never miss from your great quotes arsenal, each time you want to say something nice to whoever is important for you.
“Sometimes your light shines so bright that it blinds people from seeing who you really are.” (Shannon L. Alder)
In some cases, people just won’t manage to notice just how amazing a person is. They either don’t understand, or they are blinded by the way they shine. So don’t forget to remind that special someone just how amazing they are.
“You are amazing, and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise. No matter what.” (Bryant Collins)
This is a beautiful quote, as it enforces the self-esteem and reminds that person just how great he or she is. You see, the amazing persons in our life do not know all the time that they are that way, so you are in charge to remind this to them.
“Daily reminder if you happened to forget: you are amazing and capable of great things. Strive to do better for yourself.” (Anonymous)
Just like we are supported and encouraged by the amazing persons in our lives, we should do the same when it comes to them. We should offer the same support, understanding and loyalty, reminding them just how special and capable they are.
“You are amazing, dont give up…never because you are the best I know.” (Anonymous)
Yes, they are the best for us. Even if they may seem as strong persons, they will go through times in which they will need our help. So we should not fail to be there for them, no matter what.
There are times in which we would not be able to do it, if it wasn’t for this incredible people that always stood by our side. Again, these persons are not necessarily the one with who we have a romantic relationship, but someone with who we have a special relationship. Of course, they can be our other half, but they can also be a real friend. And these You Are Amazing quotes are for them, as a celebration towards their person.
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