“I Smile Because youre my brother, I laugh Because theres nothing you can do about it.”
– unknown
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There is nothing quite like having a brother. You know that you’ve always got someone to watch your back, to catch you when you stumble, and to protect you in a fight. No matter how often you butt heads, you’re always there for each other. We’ve gathered some of the best brother quotes to remind you how awesome your sibling actually is.
Brother Quotes – Quotes About Brothers
“There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother…Oh, how I hated that little boy. And how I love him too.” – Anna Quindlen
Brothers, and siblings in general, tend to butt heads, especially when they’re close in age. No matter how much you fight with your brother, you will find that he will always be there for you. You will become the closest friends as you grow older, especially once you are no longer living under the same roof.
“Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese Proverb
Brothers and sisters are separate individuals, but they are still part of the same entity. Children are the hands and feet that help move the family into the next generation, and you cannot have a functioning family or a functioning body without hands and feet. Don’t assume that as a sibling, you have to take control of everything. Share the load with your family, with your brother, and you will find it much easier to bear.
“I, who have no brothers or sisters, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends.” – James Boswell
Anyone who has siblings, whether they are brothers or sisters, knows the joy of having friends around from birth. It’s impossible for anyone without siblings to know that joy and that headache. It can be hard to remember, when you’re fighting over a toy or a girl or the television, that you are and have always been the best of friends.
“When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.” – Antisthenes
There is nothing like the bond between brothers, especially when that bond is tested by outside forces. You may fight like cats and dogs amongst yourself, but if someone outside of your circle tries to attack you, there is no stronger force than united siblings. You may be able to stand against one or the other, but you will never be able to stand against them if they are together.
“A brother shares childhood memories and grown up dreams.” – Unknown
One of the greatest things about having a brother is having someone to talk to. When you’re a child, you have your childish concerns to discuss. Growing older, you have someone to talk to about the memories that you’ve shared, and the plans that you have for the future. The relationship you have with your brother offers something that no other friendship or relationship during your entire life.
“Being his real brother, I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have and I do not now. I live in his glow.” – Michael Morpurgo
It’s easy to feel like you’re stuck living in the shadow of your older brother. Don’t focus on the fact that he is older than you. Instead, be proud of him and the things that he has accomplished throughout his life. It’s a great way to bring the two of you closer together, and you may find that he’s willing to teach you a thing or two along the way.
“Help your brother’s boat across, and your own will reach the shore.”
– Hindu Proverb
Don’t try to surpass your brother. You will find yourselves at odds, and it can easily damage your relationship. Spend the time helping one another, or offering help if you see that they could possibly use it. Not only will you be helping them, but you will find that it helps you as well.
“There is a destiny which makes us brothers; none goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.” – Edwin Markham
When you’ve got a brother, either by birth or by choice, you’re never alone, even if you’re not by each other’s side. Everything thing that you’ve ever said or done for someone else will come back into your own life. Strive to put positive energy into everything you do, for yourself and for your brother and you will find it returning into your own life.
“Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other – they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
There is something to be said for being able to be completely comfortable with someone, so that you can sit together in silence and not feel the need to fill the air with small talk. That is one of the unique experiences that you can enjoy when having a brother. There’s no need to talk all the time just to fill the silence. You can just spend time with one another.
“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
When it comes right down to it, human beings are all one giant family. We are all brothers and sisters, and as Martin Luther King Jr. once said, we have to figure out how to live together. If we can’t figure out how to do that, then we are going to be in trouble.
Having a brother or any sibling is one of the most amazing things in life. Hopefully, these brother quotes can help to remind you of that, no matter how often you fight with each other.
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