Are you planning to send funny Christmas quotes to your friends and family this year? Then you will find the best funny quotes here.
Christmas is the best time to cheer up your dear ones with the funny greetings. However, you can send these funny Christmas quotes through message or chat and even, you can write these messages on colourful cards with your own hands. It will not only make your dear ones happy but will also give them the feel that they are special to you. Here are some funny quotes that you can send to your loved ones this Christmas and make them happy.
Dear Santa, I don’t want much this year, just want a job with six figure salary and a car along with a big house.

Funny Christmas Quotes images
Whether you agree or not, it is true that everyone ask for his wish in this way. However, little kids say it directly and differently in very cute way but when it comes to grown ups, they wish like it is explained in the quote. They wish for everything and even then they say that it is not much.
No one needs to worry about the size of Christmas tree as every tree is 30 feet tall in the eyes of children.
No doubt children are crazy about the big Christmas tree but if you are going alone to buy the one, you can buy of any size. It will be much big for the little children.
Even after you work a lot to fulfil the demands of your children on the Christmas day, the whole credit goes to Santa.
It really happens. When the little cuties tell their wishes to Santa, parents try to fulfil those wishes. They spend their hard earned money for that but in the end, whole credit goes to Santa.
Santa has delivered the most important message to all the free people that they should visit the others once a year.
This is the message for those people who travel frequently to others without any special purpose. Though it is a good thing to remain connected with your dear ones but more frequent visits can irritate them.
If a fat man dressed in red and white suit puts you in a bag this Christmas then don’t get worried as I have told Santa that I want a cracked person as a gift.
It shows full love and affection when someone calls you mad or cracked with so much love. It is the best way in which you can make your dear ones feel special.
More Funny Christmas Quotes for 2015
Can I take a picture of you, so I can show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas?
“I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.”
– Bernard Manning
“At Christmas, tea is compulsory. Relatives are optional.”
– Robert Godden
There are number of ways by which you can explain your feelings to the person to whom you are sending the Christmas quotes. You can express your feelings in the direct words, make them laugh and happy through funny greetings, or just send them good wishes. Whatever may be the way of sending funny Christmas quotes, the main purpose is to show your love and make the person know that you care for him/her.