Children are the biggest addition to a family, not knowing just how much they mean until they are present in your life. Each parent loves his children and always will be proud of their achievements, no matter how great or small, and even if they don’t always show it. When you are a parent, love is unconditional for your children, because no matter what they do, you will always find enough power to forgive them. Nothing will be more important than the wellbeing of your children. So here are beautiful I love my children quotes, to share and to cherish.
“One of the very best reasons for having children is to be reminded of the incomparable joys of a snow day.” (Susan Orlean)

I love My Children Quotes And sayings
Children and their simple joys and way of being will always remind us of the small things that made our childhood so beautiful. Everything from enjoying an ice-cream, to the first snow and a mere game of tag. They will make us see the things that used to bring happiness in our lives, but of which we forgot, being caught in the complicated world of grownups.
“Having children is my greatest achievement. It was my savior. It switched my focus from the outside to the inside. My children are gifts, they remind me of what’s important.” (Elle Macpherson)

I love My Children Quotes images
While reading these I love my children quotes, and you are also a parent, this one may be your favourite. Everything shifts from the moment your child comes into your life, nothing being more important than spending time with him or her. Being able to create life is indeed the greatest achievement, a real miracle.
“Accept the children the way we accept trees—with gratitude, because they are a blessing—but do not have expectations or desires. You don’t expect trees to change, you love them as they are.” (Isabel Allende)
We should let children be children, because this period of life passes so quickly. Of course, we want to train and educate them well enough, so that they can be prepared for life. Still, it should be done with gentleness, while still allowing them to be what they are, without putting too much pressure on them.
“The love you have for your child is so much greater than any challenge you’ll face as a parent, and that’s what helps you through.” (Hilary Duff)
Nothing seems too hard or impossible when you are a parent. The love you have for your child will be an exhaustible fuel, even when you feel that you can’t continue any longer.
“Nothing is more precious than life… especially the life of your child.” (Peter Diamandis)
Life is important, but the life of our children is crucial, so each parent will be prepared even to sacrifice his own life, in order to protect his child.
Being a parent is not easy, but it is also a job filled with rewards. We want out children to be successful, wise, protected, happy, and we will do everything in our power to make sure that their lives will be better than ours. These “I love my children” quotes show this in the clearest way possible, although these are not novelties, since each parent knows them and feels them inside their hearts. If you don’t feel these yet, it is because you are not a parent yet. So you shouldn’t fret, because these feelings and instincts pop out automatically, once you will hold your child in your arms for the first time.
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