The inner peace or peace of mind is extremely important, because it helps us be balanced beings and keep the levels of stress reduced. But how can we do that in a modern world in which everybody is in a hurry and stress levels are incredibly high? It is possible to achieve a state of inner peace, but we need to practice and be open for it, as it will hardly come in its own. The following inner peace quotes will remind you of its importance and to keep you focused on it, by working to achieve it, because it will improve your state of mind.
“We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” (Dalai Lama XIV)

Inner Peace Quotes Image – Quotes About Peace Of Mind
If you have some unsolved issues concerning yourself, you will never manage to find true inner peace if you are not going to find closure. Whatever is bothering you, find the strength to accept it and move on, make peace with yourself and you will feel better than ever.
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” (Gautama Buddha)
We do not need to look for peace in other place than within our person. To do so, meditation is the best way to access our inner self. Take a few quite moments with yourself, and think about the things you need to clear out and about the ones that make you happy.
“The best fighter is never angry.” (Lao Tzu)
Anger is never a constructive thing, so instead of helping us it will always do us more harm. An efficient fighter, no matter what he fights for, is the one that is calm, as calmness will enable him to calculate every step and get closer to his goal.
“We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.” (Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love)
Another quote out of these inner peace quotes that tells you the inner peace is somewhere inside. Due to this supreme self, we always find a way to calm down and find wisdom. All we have to do is to look for this self more often, and everything around you will change.
“Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.” (Gerald G. Jampolsky, Love Is Letting Go of Fear)
Just as mentioned before, we need to let the past go, together with everything that is not letting us be happy, and move on. Only this way we will get to know true peace of mind.
Finding our piece of mind is not impossible, but it will require out attention and some efforts. Ghosts of the past, unsolved issues, quotidian worries, they all keep us from reaching a balanced self. These inner peace quotes inspire us that we have to find those moments in which we can reconnect with our inner self and find out peace. Without it, we might just lose our mind in this world that is always on fast forward.
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