Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
– Coco Chanel
Coco Chanel was a fashion designer from France who started out by working in the Paris fashion world, and ended up creating a brand that creates some of the most coveted bags, clothes, and accessories to this day. To bring a bit of motivation and positivity to your day, we’ve collected the top 10 inspirational Coco Chanel quotes.
10 Inspirational Coco Chanel Quotes
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
– Coco Chanel
Most people hear the word fashion and automatically think of the odd dresses that stick-thin models wear on runways in some of the biggest cities in the world, but it’s so much more than that. It is everything that we create and share with others, and it is all the beauty that we see in the world.
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”
– Coco Chanel
If you spend all of your time trying to be like everyone else, then you will find that you can easily be replaced by the next dime-a-dozen person who has done the same. Take a risk, step out of your comfort zone, and be different. It may not win you friends, but it will make you irreplaceable, and that is more important than any fair-weather friends that you may find along the way.
“Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.”
– Coco Chanel
You have to keep your head in order to succeed. Don’t let anyone shake your calm and don’t let anyone get under your skin. If they can get under your skin and into your head, then you often can never shake them again. Instead, protect yourself and find a way to keep your head under any and all situations, and you will almost always prevail.
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“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.”
– Coco Chanel
Don’t expect to find a door where there isn’t one. You can beat your hands bloody trying to make a door where there isn’t one, but instead of wasting all of that energy on something that may or may not work, turn around and find look around. Find that door that is always going to be there. You just have to step away from the wall and look for it.
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. “
– Coco Chanel
Thinking for yourself isn’t hard. What is hard is finding the courage to speak those thoughts where others can hear them. Don’t silence yourself for fear of judgment or anger from others. Think for yourself, speak aloud and stand up for yourself, and you’ll find that other like minds gravitate toward you. You will become a force of nature, simply by speaking your mind where others choose to be silent.
“Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.”
– Coco Chanel
We’ve all faced hard times, be it because of money or medical issues or any of a thousand other reasons. When we hit these hard times, we often find ourselves reaching out and grasping at anything that we can find that’s real, that’s authentic, that has substance and can be touched and felt and held in the hand. That authenticity is what helps tie us to the real world and gives us the strength to carry on through even the hardest times.
“Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”
– Coco Chanel
You can’t succeed if you don’t try and on the road to success, you will often run into failure. For most people, it is inevitable. Those who succeed on the first try are not those who are more skilled or more talented than the rest of us. They are just those people who don’t know or refuse to acknowledge that failure is even an option, let alone an inevitable one.
“I am not young but I feel young. The day I feel old, I will go to bed and stay there. J’aime la vie. I feel that to live is a wonderful thing.” (J’aime la vie = I love life)
– Coco Chanel
They say that you’re only as old as you feel, and if you can feel young until the day you die, then you’re in good shape. The trick is to love life, no matter what craziness it throws at you. Love your life, and love everything that comes with it, and you will feel young until you lay down for your last night. It isn’t easy, and the world will try to make you act your age, but don’t let them. Feel young, and be young, your entire life.
“Gentleness doesn’t get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs.”
– Coco Chanel
You will never get anywhere in life by being gentle. The world is not a kind place, and there are always people who will take advantage of your gentleness to keep you from rising to greatness. Keep a gentle heart, but be hard on the outside, so that no one can step on you or take advantage of you for their own progress. There is no reason to let anyone or anything in this world take advantage of you, as long as you can raise your head and be strong.
“Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger.”
– Coco Chanel
Creating is not an easy task. It requires the artist, the writer, or the fashion designer, to put their heart and soul into everything that they do and that is an exhausting task. We are both strengthened and weakened by our art, and that puts us at a disadvantage. We are not as strong as those who do not create, but we are more powerful, simply because they cannot live without us. We create the things that their minds are not even capable of imagining and that makes us powerful.
If you find yourself in need of some inspiration from some other amazingly strong women, take a look at our Audrey Hepburn quotes and Marilyn Monroe quotes. Never let anyone make you doubt your own strength. You are an amazing creation and should revel in that fact.