Marilyn Monroe was Hollywood’s darling for the decades that lead up to her untimely death, but she was also one of the most amazingly insightful women of her time. We’ve collected some of the most inspirational Marilyn Monroe quotes of all time to make your day a little bit brighter.
“I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
– Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe Quotes images
Don’t tie yourself to a person that only wants to be around you when you’re at your best. Instead find someone who will stand by your side when you’re at your worst, because they’ll be the ones who actually deserve to be around you when you’re at your best. You can’t be at your best all the time and no one in their right mind should expect that of you.
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
– Marilyn Monroe
There is nothing to be found in perfection. To be perfect is simply to exist and that is unbearably boring. Instead, be imperfect and revel in it. Your imperfections are what make you uniquely you and you should be proud of them rather than trying to hide them. Enjoy what makes you different from the dime a dozen people that try their best to be perfect, because you are so much more exciting and wonderful.
“Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.”
– Marilyn Monroe
Jealousy is one of the ugliest emotions and it has a way of turning even the best intentions into something twisted and foul. When you have success for yourself, there are always going to be people who are jealous of what you have. Don’t let their negativity tinge your successes. Instead, make yourself rise above their jealousy and become the person that you want to be.
“There is a need for aloneness, which I don’t think most people realize for an actor. It’s almost having certain kinds of secrets for yourself that you’ll let the whole world in on only for a moment, when you’re acting. But everybody is always tugging at you. They’d all like sort of a chunk of you.”
– Marilyn Monroe
When you reach a certain level of success, there will always be people who want something from you. It could be something as mundane as a loan or something as precious as a moment of your time. Networking is great, but learn how to take time for yourself or you will find yourself pulled in so many directions that you’ll have no idea how to handle even the most basic aspects of your life anymore.
“Respect is one of life’s greatest treasures. I mean, what does it all add up to if you don’t have that?”
– Marilyn Monroe
There is nothing greater or more important in life than earning respect, be it respect from your family, your friends, your peers, or your coworkers. When you’ve earned that respect, it helps to set you apart from those who will not or cannot take the time to do the same. Treasure the respect that you have earned from others, and be careful with the respect you give.
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“We human beings are strange creatures and still reserve the right to think for ourselves.”
– Marilyn Monroe
Humanity as a whole is a strange creature. We strive to belong to whatever group or organization is the most important at the time, while still retaining the right and ability to think for ourselves. Do not compromise that right, and don’t change yourself to fit in with the masses if it means that you don’t get to think for yourself anymore.
“A strong man doesn’t have to be dominant toward a woman. He doesn’t match his strength against a woman weak with love for him. He matches it against the world.”
– Marilyn Monroe
Don’t find a partner that seeks to use his or her strength against you. It shouldn’t be you against him or her. You should find a partner that will be just that…a partner. They should stand at your side and hold strong with you against the world. Having someone who stands at your side is the most precious thing in the world.
“Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay out a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.”
– Marilyn Monroe
Hollywood is a city of illusion and fantasy, but it can also be a city of great opportunity. Let yourself take advantage of the opportunity without letting the city steal your soul and you will soar. If you can’t separate the two, then Hollywood may not be the best city for you. The only one who can make the right choice is you.
“A woman knows by intuition or instinct, what is best for herself.”
– Marilyn Monroe
We’ve evolved to a point where we no longer rely on our intuition or our instincts to protect us, and that is a great failing of the human race. If you have a bad feeling about something, trust it! Rely on your instincts, relearn how to understand them, and they will serve you well.
“I don’t mind living in a man’s world as long as I can be a woman in it.”
– Marilyn Monroe
It is a man’s world, no matter what people try to say, and because of this, it can be difficult for women to get ahead without fighting tooth and nail to claw their way up to the top when a man can simply walk up the stairs. Don’t try to be a man. Be a woman, and be proud of your sex. Fight like hell to get everything you need and want in life and it will be worth it.
Marilyn Monroe will continue to inspire generations of young women to come, as long as they can look past the beautiful face and see the beautiful soul within. Allow these Marilyn Monroe quotes to continue to inspire you and help you to see the beauty that is often hidden in the world.