Drake is best known for his astronomical climb to the top of the hip hop/r&b scene starting in 2009, after a short career in television. Here we’ve collected some of his most thought provoking quotes to help remind you that it doesn’t matter where you start out, you can always make it to the top.
Inspirational Drake Quotes
“Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about the destination.
– Drake
The destination is never as important as the journey that you take to get there. Don’t focus on your destination and miss out on all of the amazing things you might see or experience, even it’s as simple as looking out the airplane window to see the fantastic sights below. Appreciating your journey can help you learn things that you never would have considered about yourself and your destination.
“People like to build their own story about my life. I don’t know if it makes them feel better or if it makes it ok for them to not like me, but the last thing I grew up as was rich.”
– Drake
People are always going to talk crap, and make up stories to satisfy their own imaginations. Don’t pay them any mind because no matter what, the only thing that is important is you and how you think about yourself. Let them talk and tell their stories because it has absolutely no impact on your life, and they will just wither away and vanish once they realize they’re being ignored.
“Perfection to me is I walk away from a situation and say, ‘I did everything I could do right there. There was nothing more that I could do.’ I was a hundred percent, like the meter was at the top. There was nothing else I could have done. You know? Like, I worked as hard as I possibly could have. That’s perfection.”
– Drake
There is no such thing as true perfection. Being able to walk away from a project or a job and say “I did my very best, and there was nothing else I could do better” is the closest thing to perfection that any of us will ever reach. This is a GOOD thing. True perfection would be mind-bogglingly boring.
“Reviews condition people. At the end of the day, a lot of human minds are malleable. They can be easily shaped with strong words.”
– Drake
We all look out trying to find some form of validation from our friends, our coworkers and our peers. We’re so used to being judged and commented that we accept it as part of our daily lives. People are addicted to words: don’t let their words control how you feel about yourself.
“I feel connected to my generation through the music, but I also fear for us. We’re in a very self-destructive state where we’re addicted to outside opinions and we all feel like we have fans.”
– Drake
It’s easy to think of yourself as a celebrity when you’ve got hundreds or thousands of followers on social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We’re become so addicted to that validation that it can actually damage how we interact with other people. Take a step back from your social media accounts, no matter how many followers you have, and take a look at yourself. Figure out who you are without all those likes and favorites, and it’ll be a lot easier to hold on to once you’ve re-immersed yourself in the internet world.
“I feel that when you care about your music, taking risks is something you should do to keep things exciting.”
– Drake
Taking risks is a fantastic feeling. You’re scared, you’re excited and you have no idea whether the chance you just took is going to work out. It’s an exhilarating rush that you can’t find anywhere else. If you’ve become too stable or too settled in your current way of life or career, step outside your comfort zone and take some risks! You’ll thank yourself later.
“Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.”
– Drake
Jealousy is one of the hardest emotions to control because most people don’t understand its root. You’re feeling love and hate all at the same time: love for the object of your affection and hate for the person, place, or thing that is taking it away from you. Once you learn to balance those emotions, jealousy is much easier to control and ignore.
“I’ve never been reckless – it’s always calculated. I’m mischievous, but I’m calculated.”
– Drake
There’s a fine line between being carefully calculated and being entirely reckless. It’s ok to toe that line, but stepping over it can become dangerous. Reckless behavior can easily damage your relationships, your bank account, your reputation or even your life. Have fun, take risks, but don’t be reckless.
“There will be days when I walk in an arena and people cheer and then there might be days when I walk in an arena and people might boo, but it all sounds the same to me because it’s all just noise that lets me know I’m relevant. “
– Drake
It doesn’t matter whether they love you or hate you. If they’ve showed up to see you, then you are forefront in their minds. They are thinking about you, which make you relevant. This can be on a large scale, like a concert arena, or a small scale in a job setting or with friends. Either way, you can use it to your advantage.
“When you’re on the road and moving city to city, when someone isn’t there at the end of the night, you feel empty. “
– Drake
Having someone who is willing to wait for you, to be there for you when you come home at night, is a fantastic thing. Without that, you can have all the money and fame in the world, and it doesn’t mean a thing. Find that partner that is willing to help you chase your dreams.
Hopefully these Drake quotes are the perfect thing to remind you to chase your dreams because no matter how far down you’ve fallen, you can always crawl your way back to the top. If you find yourself in need of a little bit more inspiration, then take a look at our relationship quotes and Bob Marley quotes about life and love.
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