Inspirational Quotes About Stress
Stress is something omnipresent in our modern times, being the century’s disease, a silent killer that no one notices until it is too late. Yes, stress can be extremely damaging to our health, especially if it is present every day and in large dosages. We can say that we grew used to having it around, but this is never a good things, as it will get you ill in time. We should all deposit efforts of minimizing stress as much as possible, because it can destroy us slowly and surely. Take a look at these stress quotes and try to remember that you need to make stress go away, for a happy and peaceful life.
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” (William James)

Inspirational Quotes About Stress
Stress can appear like something hard to manage, but in fact it is in our power to make it stop. By simply focusing on something positive, something that makes us feel happy, we will manage to diminish the levels of stress. The power of suggestion is incredible in these cases, so you should use it.
“Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not.” (Valerie Bertinelli)
It is hard to avoid stress, as it will make his presence felt, but it is only up to you if you allow it to dwell in your life or not. It is just a matter of choice. So what do you prefer? To be happy or to be stressed?
“We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.” (David Mamet, Boston Marriage)
These stress quotes will teach you about how to work against stress, even if they are more subtle, like this one. The pie can be everything that bring us joy and makes us feel better, so you can indeed enjoy a pie or you can have any other “pie” you may like, as long as makes you feel more positive.
“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” (Lee Iacocca)

Inspirational Stress Quotes And Sayings Image
Do you have the feeling that things are getting harder and stress elevates? To deal with the situation, you have to also have positive activities during these times as well. You need something to allow you to unwind.
“Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” (Hans Selye)
Fighting stress can indeed be a matter of attitude. You just need to shift your state using a positive attitude and positive thoughts.
It may be hard at the beginning to put in practice that these stress quotes are telling you, but with a bit of practice, you will learn to deal stress. For this, you will have to be aware when you are facing a stressful event, because that is the time in which you need to start thinking positive and changing your attitude. So a bit of care will be needed at first, as in time you will learn to ditch stress automatically.
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