Confucius was one of the greatest Chinese philosophers of all times. He lived a very long time ago, between the years 551 and 479 BC, but his teachings are still valuable, even today. He was also a teacher, politician and editor of those days, so he brought his contribution in many ways to the development of culture. Confucius’s philosophy has as main objectives justice, honesty, correctness in social relationships, and a good morality, so we all have something to learn from him. This is a collection of the best Confucius quotes to remember, because there is value in each of them, precious even in our modern times.
Famous Confucius Quotes
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
It is true that we are the only ones responsible for making our lives the way they are. We have the power to make it the way we want it and avoid complications or things that make us unhappy. So why complicate your life, because the simple things are the most beautiful ones.
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
When having a goal in life, the most important thing is to go for it. The speed is not important, as long as you always take one more step forward. It means that you should never stop and always do something to be closer to your biggest dream.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Confucius Quotes About Work Image
When you have a job that you love, it wouldn’t even feel like working. This is why it is important to find that thing in life that makes you happy and fulfils you on a professional level. Also, when you are doing something you like, the results will always be outstanding.
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”
This may be one of the best Confucius quotes, because it has a lot of truth in it. When you see that you are not even close to your goal, it doesn’t meant that it is impossible to reach. It means that your plan of achieving it is not right, so all you have to do is to adjust it. We are the only ones that set out limits and it is also not a rule to get the right steps towards success right from the start. So feel free to change them, if the one you got are not taking you in the right direction.
“A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”
Yes, a true man does more than just words. For a superior man, deeds count more than words, so do have this in mind for your future actions. Of course, words are needed, but it is best to do more than just talk. Stop planning and start acting if you want to see things happening in your life.
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
It is said that revenge is the weapon of the fool, so you can’t take a revenge without getting yourself hurt either. Think about this before launching yourself in a revenge. The great Confucius knew about this very well. Revenge is not healthy, as it won’t bring relief, just for a very short period, and it won’t bring happiness either. Keep in mind that a wise person will always turn the other cheek.
“Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.”
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that it is true, but we are the ones that out the veil over our eyes. We just need to take the time and notice the beauty that lies in everything around us. You will be amazed just how much joy you can find by doing this, because beauty lies in every small thing, like a leaf, a bumblebee, a cloud or anything else.
“Respect yourself and others will respect you.”
You should treat yourself exactly the way you want to be treated by others. If you don’t respect yourself and love yourself just the way you are, how can you expect the other to treat you in the same manner? So don’t talk bad about yourself, not even in your thoughts, and show yourself the right amount of respect.
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.”
Failing is just another lesson to be learned in your way towards your biggest goal. Don’t be afraid of failing and try to learn something out of it, when it happens. And above all, get up and continue your path, because you will succeed one day.
“Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.”
It is not a shame to have flaws, as it is in the human nature. Also, a small flaw will never erase your glow, so don’t let that be in your way of being happy. Instead of trying to reach perfection and be flawless, but without being truly yourself, you’d better embrace your flaw and be the best of your each time.
As you can see, Confucius was indeed a very smart man. Even if he lived millennia ago, his words are still very valuable and speak only truth in our modern society. Unfortunately, we forgot many of the rules and values that make the man a noble creature. The great philosopher talk about these values, this is why we gathered the best Confucius quotes, to bring back these valuable teaching of the master. Have them in mind and respect them, and your life will change in better. It is hard to fail when following the words of this incredible man, who managed to influence humanity in such a great deal. The fact that Confucius is still remembered in present days, after so much time, shows that he was indeed a great asset for his times, and for ours as well.
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