It is said that the truth can be painful, but it will set you free. The thing is that it is useless to avoid the truth, because it will always come to the surface. A lie will never last too long before it cracks, so it is better not to play this game. So, be truthful to yourself and to the people around you. It may need some diplomacy and communication skills, but even if you have them or not, you should not keep the truth away from the people you care about. Living in truth is always better than living in lie. So here are some inspirational truth quotes.
Inspirational Truth Quotes
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” (Mark Twain)

Truth Quotes And Sayings
It is hard to tell a good lie, because there is always a detail you will forget to pass on. You will always be under the pressure of not forgetting your story. So why live this way? Telling the truth is not that hard, because there is nothing to remember but the fact that happened.
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” (Thomas Jefferson)
Wise men will always embrace the truth, because they know that this will lead them to an exceptional life. If you do so, you are one step closer to becoming wiser, as you will acquire a characteristic found only in the greatest personalities.
“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” (Galileo Galilei)
Don’t assume that a person won’t understand a truth, opting to give them a lie instead. To be able to understand it, one must meet it first, so make sure that that is going to happen. These inspirational truth quotes are precious lessons that will improve your life.
“Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.” (Albert Einstein)
Do you believe that a little lie is harmless? Well, if one cannot be trusted for the small things, how can one be trusted for the bigger ones? Each aspect must be treated with the same respect for the truth, big or small, if you want to be trusted person.
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” (Buddha)
Just like you cannot stop the sun or the moon to appear on the sky, you won’t be able to stop the truth from emerging either. It is a fact, so telling a lie is never a good option, because one way or another, independent from your will, the truth will show up.
The truth is a value, a great virtue, able to enforce the character of a person. The truth may not be pleasant to tell or to face, but beyond the pain, frustration or anger, release and calmness always follows after you’ve faced the truth. It has the ability to set us free and make us live a fulfilling life. Read these inspirational truth quotes and understand that a lie will never do good to anyone, neither to you, not to the person you are telling it.
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