There are many cases in which we may get angry, but is it the right thing to do? At anger, many words that will make us feel sorry later can be told. We can react inappropriately and ruin the relationships we have with the people around us. It is best to calm down and find the best solution after. Perhaps the following inspirational anger quotes will inspire you on this, as managing anger is never an easy task.
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” (Joe Klaas, Twelve Steps to Happiness)

Inspirational Anger Quotes And sayings
Finding happiness and relief is not always easy, because it may be preceded by hard times, times of anger. The best you can do is to pass through the anger part fast and without incidents, because it is the wisest thing you can do.
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” (Ambrose Bierce)
No matter how hurt or bothered you are by a certain thing, never speak when you still feel anger boiling in your blood. You won’t be able to say the right things, and you risk causing pain to the ones around you, and pain on yourself, later on.
“The best fighter is never angry.” (Lao Tzu)
Yes, there are moments in life when we need to fight, but anger should not be out motivation. When we are angry, we cannot think clear, so we risk being easily defeated. We need to remain calm, so that out fighting strategy is efficient.
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” (Mark Twain)
As the rest of the inspirational anger quotes stated, anger will not do harm only on the people around you, but will do more harm to your person. The more it lingers with you, the more it will erode you, causing damages that will hard to heal. So try to cast anger away as soon as possible, before it makes your life bitter.
“You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.” (Buddha)
As mentioned before, anger will occur as something natural, so you won’t be punished for feeling this way. Still, the anger will punish you, because it will make you talk and act in negative ways, harming the happiness and harmony in your life.
It is human to be angry now and then, but it is wise to chase anger away as soon as you notice it around you. Also, never make action plans when you are angry, because most certainly they will have a negative aspect that won’t do you any good. Wait until you calm down and see things from a different perspective. You will know better what to do then, without risking your happiness and balance. If you read these inspirational anger quotes, you may notice that anger is a test, which you will have to pass without incidents, for your own sake.
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